Two weeks ago, a touching video clip landed on the Facebook social network. In the video it is possible to see a musician alongside little girl named Audrey.
Already at birth, Audrey was diagnosed with Bi lateral opened lip Schizencephaly.
Shayla Stephens, little girl’s mother, recently shared a moving video on her Facebook profile. She recorded his daughter Audrey when she was listening to a guitar playing along with one of the musicians.
With a sincere smile on her face, the girl captured the web at a glance, and her reaction will surely make your day happier too.
Mother Shayla also said that the damage to Audrey’s brain has also caused her to be diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Epilepsy, Dystonia, Spastic Quadriplegia (CP), Clonus and Spasticity. But she is still her little warrior!
Source: klipland