
The Woman hit a Tree in Her Van, Claiming it was The Truck Driver’s Fault


Thomas Badillo posted a YouTube video of him sitting in a truck on YouTube last year on his live channel.

While driving, she witnessed an unusual car accident, and the awkward female driver did not blame the truck driver for anything.

Thomas Badillo,Youtube

The truck driver followed the driver of the minibus and, for unknown reasons, turned sharply to the right and crashed into a tree. The truck didn’t hit She car, but the unjustified driver blamed the truck driver.

In anger, she got out of the car and directed it at the truck driver, accusing him, but his lust quickly calmed him when the truck driver told him that he had a recorder in his dashboard.

The camera alone seems to have saved him from unfair punishment, and the video has garnered over 2 million views on YouTube to date.
