There’s no doubt that horses are a standout amongst one of the most fascinating creatures on Earth. The majestic animals are friendly and kind-hearted.
They’re essentially captivating!
Something else that constantly captivates people are optical illusions. We love to source different ways to challenge ourselves and to test how well our eyes and mind can function.
In the 70’s, acclaimed craftsman Bev Doolittle and her significant other traveled the southwestern US. On her trip, she was motivated to paint this noteworthy and unusual painting.
As far back as its creation, individuals have been asking one question: how numerous ponies are there in the photo?
The excellent painting portrays a disguising impact which makes it hard to figure out the majestic creatures from the background.
Not very many individuals figure it out on their first attempt. Would you be able to do it? Give it a try …Ready, set and go!

Did you figure it out? Try to look more closely before looking down to the answer.