
2 Girls Face Away From Crowd But Instant Music Starts Incredible Clogging Routine Leaves Judges Floored


The pair performed an energetic clogging routine to the fast-paced and fun song “Hit the Ground Runnin'” by country superstar Keith Urban at Clogging Champions of America’s Showdown of Champions held in Knoxville, Tennessee. The girls are dressed in crisp white dance pants paired with vivid plaid shirts and the standard black clogging shoes. Their pony tails whipped around as they executed their smooth moves.
They perform quite a bit of partner work with their arms crossed, even twirling each other around. Their moves are impeccable and definitely upbeat. You can hear all of the hooting and hollering from the crowd by people who love watching their performance. Check out their awesome routine in the video below. It’s award-winning in our opinion!

Clogging is an incredibly fun form of dance that studios across American are teaching to their kids. The modern version doesn’t involve wooden shoes nor does it necessarily mimic that of Irish or Gaelic culture. In fact, as the interest in clogging has grown, Clogging Champions of American was formed to support those interested in clogging competitively. Those dancers who excel at dance competitions in the clogging category are fortunate to advance to the Showdown of Champions, like Madison and Morgan who were captured competition in the video below.
