
Little Boy Tries To Help Mommy With Groceries Instead Has Internet In Tears Of Laughter


Little kids are cute for so many reasons! Their sweet smiles, expressive eye, and angelic voices are enough to melt anyone’s heart. But this boy has another reason why he’s one of the most adorable child in The United States of America.

Thank goodness his mom, a sweet Southern woman named Chrystal Logsdon, thought to record her little one while he was in the middle of a very important mission. Now her footage is going viral for all of the right reasons…

Chrystal’s youngest son was ready to accompany her to the grocery store, but first, they needed to make a shopping list! That’s when he ran to the desk, grabbed a pen and pad of paper, and returned to Chrystal so she could list off the items they needed.

After each food item, Chrystal’s boy would repeat the words in the sweetest Southern accent ever. From “taco stuff” to “lettuce,” each word was filled to the brim with a down-home country twang!

Every time they hear Mom and Dad speak in front of them, the sounds are imprinted into their brains and are stored away until they can speak for themselves. That’s why even their first words (around the time of their first birthday) can have a bit of an accent.

This type of vocal imprinting is definitely what happened with Chrystal’s adorable little one. From the second she started recording, his Southern twang was loud and proud!
Listen to this charming Southern boy creating the family grocery list here!
