This adorable video is so cute you won’t be able to stand it! When this horse was allowed to play inside a kiddie pool, he immediately started splashing about and enjoying the cool water as a relief from the hot sun. He first puts one hoof in and then steps in all the way and lies down in the pool, fully enjoying the wonderful feel of the water. It is so fun to watch this cute guy having a ball in the water! If you love horses, do not miss out on this video!
There is something magical about watching an animal shake loose and fully enjoy themselves like a child. This horse has no inhibitions and is not at all afraid of the water.
Duke is an incredibly lucky horse because his family loves him so and delights in keeping him happy. It is clear to see this horse will soon be back in the pool as often as he can be. If you think this video is too cute for words, Please SHARE on Facebook.
Horse Has the Time of His Life While Splashing in a Kiddie Pool
