This little girl effortlessly sings out the infamous section of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”. What an adorable performance but what such a tiny little music fan!
This video starts with what must be just another ride in the car for lIttle Ms. Holly Lee. This three-year-old loves listening and singing along to Freddie Mercury’s hit song. Armed with her pink polka dot car-seat and her reddish brown locks, tiny Holly begins her impromptu recital by voicing the instrumental introduction with accurate rhythm!
As soon as she starts singing the famous lyrics, hearts everywhere begin to melt! Her adorable lisp and mispronunciations of words keep us locked in and watching for more. With only a very little spot of help from Mom, this mini-Freddie, knows the lyrics so well. Holly tackles, almost word-for-word, the very difficult musical number in her own little way and even without a back-up band or accompaniment track!
The cuteness doesn’t stop there! This little Diva even adds in a little head-banging at the appropriate section of the song. Holly Lee doesn’t skip a beat and sings through while bobbing her darling head up and down with little curls bouncing. We love her enthusiasm!
When watching this cracker-jack kid belt out a song she loves, it reminds us to take time and enjoy the things we too love. Be it in song or just a joyful noise, sometimes you just need to let it all out, even if that means singing out loud without music. Just remember most folks around you are armed with camera phones!