
Mommy Puts On Music Only To Discover Baby’s Hidden Talent Making Her Run For The Camera


It’s impossible to frown while watching this baby’s little legs go nuts to the beat. Not only does the sweet baby love the music her Mom plays, but she also loves dancing to it. Mom films as her daughter jigs to the beat and does her own interpretation of an Irish river dance. There’s no doubt her parents will want to enroll her in dance lessons the moment she starts walking!

Even though that seems like a good idea, the Elite Dance Studio website says the best time for a child to start professional dance training is between three and five years old. At this age, the children can follow instructions closer, have better coordination and are a little more interested in pursuing their hobbies. But, the most important thing (more important than a specific age) is each child’s ability to concentrate. The site says that before enrolling your child in a dance class, consider their capacity to focus, “The ability to follow lessons, as well as having a decent attention span needs to be considered. If you do not think that your child has the attention span to make it through a dance lesson, then you probably should not enroll them – or see if they can take a ‘trial’ class to see how they do.” You don’t want to start your little one’s lessons too early and ruin the class for the other children who are truly ready!

Even though it’s not time for lessons just yet, this adorable little one undoubtedly feels the beat. We’re just glad Mom was able to record the moment with her phone and made this silly video! Take a peek at her footage for yourself here. All this sweet little lass needs to be complete is a pair of river dance shoes, a plaid dress and a curly wig!
