
Store worker notices customer’s face is familiar. After second look, she instantly bursts into tears


Tina from Sydney, Australia is a mom of four children and just like any other parents, she works hard to make ends meet. She works in her local supermarket and often works extra evening shifts to gain more money.

Tina always thinks about her daughter Donna who has moved away from home to another country: The United States. And we can understand how it is hard for a mother who hasn’t seen her children for a whole year!

Mother’s Day in Australia is coming quickly, Donna was always on her mom’s mind. She was probably trying her best to figure how to celebrate the day without one of her children.

But radio hosts at the local KIIS 1064 station decided  to give her an incredible surprise.

How the radio station knew about Tina? It turned out that Donna had called them and told them the whole story.  They were happy to help the daughter make the perfect gift for her loving hardworking mom on what seemed like an ordinary working day.

The video revealing the surprise to Tine has spread around the internet like wildfire. And it’s no surprise!

Tina went like usual to her work, and got ready to start her shift in the store. This particular day, however, wouldn’t be like any day. But one of the most special days

The radio station brought Donna back to Sydney without her mom knowing. On that day, she walked into her mom’s workplace and smiles are all over her face.

The radio hosts waited for the right moment to reunite the mother and her daughter. Tina would have the surprise of her life when the person in front of her – one she thought was simply another customer asking for help with finding something on the top shelf – was actually her beloved daughter who she had not seen in a year. Watch the tear-jerking reunion between Tina and Donna in the video below:

You’ve got to take a look at this heartwarming reunion. If, like me, you thought it was a great surprise for Tina, SHARE it to put a smile on the faces of all your family and friends.
