
Postman Caught On Camera Doing THIS To German Shepherd


While it has always been said that do not judge a book by its cover, the video below is a reminder.

A German shepherd named Kyza is misunderstood by many. The 9-month-old pup is considered unapproachable and dangerous. He rarely barks and his intimidating breed and size does not do him a favor.

Not long ago, Michael who lives in New Zealand allowed Kyza to play in the backyard. He however, ensured that he recorded everything. The reason behind that was that the mailman never passes a day without stopping by to see Kyza. He stops to give the dog a good hug. This is regardless of whether he has a mail or not.

As you watch the video, you will realize that even though many people think Kyza is scary, he is not. He relishes every moment he shares with Steve.

The video of Michael on Steve and his dog Kyza is becoming popular as it shows the sweet moments between a caring man and a misjudged dog.

While commenting on Facebook, Michael said he didn’t know who to tag the video. Please do him a favor by SHARING this great moment with your friends on Facebook!
