Whenever a high school principal is making a speech, you will always find most students busy doing something else rather than listening to him speaking.
That’s what happened one day at Whitmer High School in Toledo, Ohio, the school principal was talking to them before their homecoming football game. But students weren’t that interested by his speech. Then something unexpected happened that grabbed all their attention and left them in complete awe.
One of the teachers walked up to the principal and asked him to take a seat. And at that moment, Bruno Mars’ famous song “Uptown Funk” started to play on the background. The teachers at Whitmer High took the floor at the pep rally for a surprising flash mob dance routine.
It started with few teachers busting some good moves to the popular hit, as students cheered and laughed at the performance that no one have ever expected the teachers to do it. However, the show had only just began…
As the song continued, other teachers rushed out to the floor and joined their colleagues in the dance routine. Not only the teachers, but the Homecoming court, the school resource officers, and even the two furry mascots got in on the fun too!
Today’s generation is too young to remember “Soul Train,” This song is memorable because of many things but mostly because of its dance where dancers lined up in two columns and then one dancer from each would move down the line showing off their best steps.
One teacher stunned the students by stepping up in his athletic wear and a backwards hat to do “the worm”, a dance in which a person artfully flops up and down in time to the music. By the end of the song, the gym floor was full with dancers.
Katie Peters is the teacher behind this surprising performance, she also filmed the entire show and posted it online.
You can see that everyone’s had their best times that day. All students, teachers and other staff were really having fun. Kids are usually embarrassed when their adult parents try to act cool but for the teachers at Whitmer High, they own their coolness and have fun doing it.
Watch the amazing performance here!
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