
This Video Of Curious Cats Playing In Boxes Is The Best Thing You’ll See All Day


Forget the toys and catnip. When it comes to cats, most of them can be endlessly entertained (and endlessly entertaining) with something as simple as a cardboard box!

As the owner in this next video found out, their cats were instantly drawn to the boxes and ended up spending the day playing in them. They just couldn’t get enough.

Even though other cat owners have built more elaborate devices to entertain their cats — like the One Fast Cat wheel or cat elevator — it seems like all a cat really needs is a box. Big. Small. They love them all!

According to research, cats are instinctively drawn to confined spaces like boxes because they provide both a place to hide or to stalk their prey. For house kittens, the boxes provide a tight, cozy place to sleep and play.

The adorable and playful cats in the video are hilarious. They sneak up on one another and are able to amuse themselves for hours! Their playtime is so magical. At 1:50, one of the cats even looks like he’s clapping or praying. You’ll have to watch and decide for yourself, but either way, it’s so cute! Couldn’t you just watch these cats for hours?!

If these cats made you smile, please SHARE this story with all your friends on Facebook.
